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Advancement of Education

Education is one of the objects or purposes of MSIA. In the By-laws of MSIA Canada we have specifically stated that educational activities are one of our objects. I draw your attention to Article III 1 and Article III 2 b. Education is also one of the activities of the Church. In our statement of activities of June 1989, I draw your attention to Activity 4 and Activity 5.

Since 1987, the date when we began keeping detailed records, we have sponsored some fifty-five workshops and retreats of religious and theological training in Canada with an average duration of 25 classroom hours each, or nearly 1,400 classroom hours. This constitutes significant training or instruction, assisting the participants to develop their mental faculties, and with some of the courses, the advancement of our understanding of theology. These workshops are given under the auspices of the Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy (PTS) using their materials and course instructions. A copy of the Curriculum for 1994-1996 is attached. Here is how the Dean describes the Seminary in the attached brochure:

PTS presents the spiritual teachings of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) within an educational format. In response to the requests of many people in MSIA who wanted to study the spiritual information with others and learn to apply the teachings in their daily lives. PTS started out offering weekly classes at the Seminary headquarters in Los Angeles as well as outside Los Angeles in the homes of MSIA ministers and initiates. These classes provided a warm, loving, and intimate environment where small groups of students studied specific aspects of the Traveler's teachings and shared with one another their spiritual experiences and learnings. Today, classes remain one of the main support systems the Seminary offers to MSIA students throughout the world.


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